Apollo Air-1 CO2 Sensor for Home Assistant - Scargill's Tech Blog

A box arrived August 2024 – for my (then) new Apollo Air-1 C02 sensor and other items.No information, thankfully the Apollo Automation website is full of it.The device, like others in the range, at the time of writing comes in a low-volume 3D printed casing – it’s nice to see something new popping up and have early access – I’m quite sure if the pricing is sensible – this and other Apollo products will be successful.

Apollo Automation are based in Kentucky – USA.I’m not the only one reviewing this ESP-home-based stuff – but read on… In late February 2025 I’ve added the new Temp-1 sensors and I’m having lots of fun with these….But first – the Air-1 etc… So off I went to find out what to do next: “Plug into a 1A 5V USB supply” – done.

Look for the hotspot using your phone… “Apollo Air-1 Hotspot” – UI address I told the Air-1 about my normal WiFi access point and password.Once done, I then went to look for apollo-something in my list of items on the network – no joy.Time to read the instructions.

The web instructions said to make sure I have the ESPHOME integration added to Home Assistant – I do – so I went to that tab and hey presto..Just like magic, the Apollo Air-1 appeared in the list.Next instruction “click adopt”.

Next – “need to install the configuration on the device” – another single button press – can it really be this simple? Looks like I have a device called apollo-air-1-xxxxxx (real number concealed) on my (Docker-based) Home Assistant RPi5 installation.Next: HA Developer TOOLS- 1 new device….Next: Configure – goodness..

for a second there I panicked – but no need… sure enough – ESPHOME – EDIT that project to have a look and there’s the encryption key – a careful copy and paste and it’s all (apparently) done.I should have a new device and a ton of entities appear in Home Assistant.Honestly I’ve not missed out any steps here, it was all over in no time.

Now, in my SENSORS page in HA, I added a sensor tile… and started looking for entities that matched Apollo… I found the CO2 sensor… there are all sorts of other sensors and some light control – I’ll get dowwn to it – but the prime reason for wanting this device was a quality CO2 sensor (there’s an (optional) SCD40 module plugged inside the Apollo) – someone on the web suggested that CO2 levels are worth checking for anyone who tends to doze off at the keyboard – that’s me.For reference, the plug-in module you see in the image below (top right of the image, metal module – white top – on a sub-pcb) is the CO2 sensor.The CO2 module was packaged separately – however it is easy to fit – just drop it in place making sure it’s the rightway around.

I dropped in the CO2 sensor – I’ll even show you my standard card_mod styling I add to my tiles (below) – completely un-essential – I just like pretty colours….And what appeared? Now I just need to know the relevance of 912 parts per million…apparently 400-1000ppm is normal.Entities – OOO I love it – an RGB LIGHT entity… and so much more….

I can see my future now – high levels of CO2 in the room – a bright red light if CO2 levels above a certain level – otherwise a dim green light (just to prove the device is connected)..A simple HA automation should do that.I couldn’t resist – I HAD to breath on the device….

seconds later… Comment: The Apollo Air1 is a great gadget – however, the sooner the company move to mass produced cases the better as I found that cosmetically, the lack of a bolt in the 4th corner meant the box didn’t COMPLETELY close – also I’m having a minor issue with the USB connector – the hole isn’t QUITE big enough to include the outer shell of my USB-C lead and when I push it in, the internal motherboard has a tendancy to move slightly as it is not firmly held in place by screws – not the best way to make a perfect power connection – I’ll investigate further.It would seem these are early days.I’m rather intrigued to see they’ve used the ESP32-C3, elsewhere I ended up binning mine in favour of the Wemos D1 ESP32 boards as I could not get them to load WLED or run ESP-HOME projects – mind you I was using binaries, not building projects from scratch.

There is so much to learn about this Apollo Air-1 device and I’m only touching the surface.In Home Assistant, I looked at all the sensor data available and made a simple test panel as you’ll see below: Looking at the sensors above you’ll see that quite a bit comes out of the standard setup – SOME sensors need the second sensor sub-board (MiCS-4514 Gas Sensor) which in my case IS fitted down the side: Ethanol, hydrogen and Nitrogen Dioxide seem to fall into that category.I don’t curently get any values out of HYDROGEN though apparently the average level of hydrogen at ground level is 0.6ppm – I live 900m above sea level for what that’s worth.

I asked the question and straight away the company came back with “Regarding the MiCS-4514 readings, yes, many gases will register as 0 unless they exceed a certain threshold.We’ve recently updated the code to improve accuracy at lower concentrations.” I had a problem with rubber feet easily dropping off the case when mounted vertically and the quick response from the company: “The pads on the initial design were 3M, so we expected good quality, but we’ve since updated the AIR-1 case.The new design removes screws, mesh, and feet for an easy, no-tool snap-fit assembly.” Can’t ask for more than that… see update at the end.

To get the list above I used the HA ENTITIES tile – in practice I guess you’d choose what was of interest and only show those – perhaps in SENSOR tiles – or show nothing and simply use the data to drive automations (I see an ALERT “if CO2 levels are too high” in my future).I have 2 temperature sensors on my desk – less than 3m away from the Apollo sensor – one says humidity 64%, the other says 66% – the Apollo says 50% but then the first 2 sensors are right next to me and I’m breathing near them.One last thing for now – in the webUI for the device (it’s IP address port 80) – a complete list of sensors and controls after giving the device 15 minutes to settle….

still no hydrogen or methane (I’ve asked Apollo to comment – see above response)… Dev-1 ESP32C3 board This little board was included in the package I received.I believe the idea is to “give people a choice instead of a D1 Mini or NodeMCU on Amazon”.The little ESP32C3-based board is similar size to an ESP8266-based Wemos D1 and considerably narrower than an ESP32-based Wemos D1 as you’ll see in the photo below – BUT – three things – who buys ESP boards from Amazon? I certainly don’t know anyone who does (USA sitiation may be different for all I know) – AliExpress in Spain and in the UK are typically a fraction of Amazon prices, also – this board is based on the C3 version of ESP32 – I already know that WLED won’t cooperate with the C3 chips – and personally I’ve been unable to get ESPHOME to run on the C3 either.

I’m told this board makes a good base for ESP-Home projects but too late for me to test as I’ve now put Tasmota on it.I do like the WS2812 RGB LED they fitted – but then the ESP32C3 board I purchased a month ago had the same – and I simply stopped using them because of issues described above.Anyway – not documented yet but that RGB light is on GPIO3.

Note that the DEV-1 board has FAR fewer pins than the Wemos D1 ESP32 board.Elsewhere I’m covering the MTR1 and MSR-2 sensor units from the same company.This entry is going to grow as I find out more about the fascinating Apollo-1.

February 2025 Update – new Apollo Air-1 case and the new Temp-1 devices The company did say they had an updated case for the Apollo-1 (which sits in my office 24/7 working perfectly) – and this week the new case arrived – no more inserts, no more badly fitting bolts – the new case is snap-fit and much better-looking for it.Here it is sitting on my desk… Everything fitted just fine – though the main board positioning could be better.I noted on the box, likely handy for anyone trying the Apollo-1 for the first time: Plug device into power Connect to Apollo hotspot Open browser and go to Select WiFi and password Check Home Assistant discovered devices.

Simples.And NOW, something about the latest Temp-1 and Temp-1B units coming up up – just received them – Here’s an FAQ from the company on the subject.And in front of me – the Temp-1B on the left, Temp-1 on the right – the former needs a 16340 battery (not supplied) – the Temp1 does not.

Both have USB-C connectors – and both also have 3.5mm stereo connectors for external sensors.The company provided a short sensor, long sensor and a food probe.Not gone deeply into it but the 2 sensors have stainless ends and look like typical 18B20 enclosed sensors as you might get from Sonoff for some of their temperature-measuring devices.

So – in at the deep end – plug in one of the probes to the temp-1 and see what happens… (the CR16340 is erchargeable and I neither have one of those batteries nor a suitable charger right now so that’ll have to wait).I simply plugged the sensor into the Temp-1 then plugged in USB-C power.After a fwe seconds a bright green light came on then went off.I checked ny phone and sure enough, “Apollo TEMP1 hotspot” became available.

I went off to in my phone browser and was given a choice ofWiFi access points to connect to.I hooked into my nearest WiFi access point… same room as my Home Assistant setup.I waited a couple of minutes and made suer my phone had reconnected to my normal WiFi – and went off to the PC to check that my router knew about the new board.

sure enough – “apollo-temp-1-151d44” Next stop (not looked for instructions yet) – off to Home Assistant to see if it has seen anything new… Looks that way… I did nothing more than I’ve described above and Home Assistant immediately spotted the device and asked me if I wanted to add it.Any why not indeed… that started a whole new ball rolling.I filled in the blank and told Home Assistant to put it in area office – just for the sake of completeness.

And then even moer started happening completely automatically: An update to ESPHome Device Builder (don;t ask what that does).At that point I let HA update the ESPHome Device Builder… took a few seconds..And then… ready for this??? Home Assistant already knew about the Apollo-Air-1 but now a new device had automatically added itself – the Temp-1.

I next went into my HA sensors page and attempted to add a sensor – I looked up Apollo – and an amazing 22 new entities appeared – all including apollo_temp_1 – this is going to keep me going for ages… there is also (typical of Apollo kit) an RGB light entity – and it’s bright and full colour… I’ll soon find a use for that – meanwhile – board humidity – board temperature, ESP temperature, outside temperature… updates – and so on.What fun…

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